Political Science Internship Program
The Department of Political Science encourages students to pursue internships that connect academic knowledge to career-related work experiences. Internships give students the opportunity to try out a career area in a non-profit organization, government office, or for-profit business. Interns build professional networks in a selected field of interest while improving job seeking and decision-making skills, and cultivating future career options. The Political Science Internship Program is designed for students who wish to receive academic credit while interning. Students may intern during the fall, winter, spring, or summer.
Do I HAVE to receive credit? Can I just do an internship for experience? YES, YES, YES! Most students doing an internship just do it for the experience.
***Special Program for students who can't/don't receive academic credit for an internship: Provide a letter from your internship supervisor confirming completion of an internship (including the length and average hours per week) - on the organization's letterhead - to the POLS Advising Office (Advising@polsci.ucsb.edu) and receive a UCSB Political Science mug or t-shirt (depending on availability).
Political Science students interested in applying for internship credit must have:
- junior or senior standing
- a minimum 3.0 GPA overall and in the major
- Pre-Political Science or Political Science major status
- Enrolled in UCSB courses during the same period of the internship
How do I receive academic credit?
To receive academic credit interns must:
- submit an application to an organization whose mission complements the study of political science
- submit an application with the Department by the end of the 2nd week of the quarter.
***Students can apply up to four units of INT credit toward their Area D, POLS upper division elective area ONLY. 1 unit = 3 hours per week over 10 weeks of the internship.
Find YOUR county below by clicking on either the Northern or Southern California links below.
- Northern California (San Francisco/Bay Area, Sacramento, Fresno, basically all other counties north of San Luis Obispo County.)
- Southern California (San Luis Obispo, Bakersfield, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, and Inland Empire counties.)
***Once you've hit the link, scroll down to your county and search for information on available internships and for application information.
For opportuniites outside of California, click this link, or scroll to the bottom of the page.
*Note: Legislators's districts frequently overlap multiple counties.
To find out which district you live in, go to one of these websites and input your home zipcode:
- US Congress: http://www.house.gov/
- California Assembly: http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/
- California Senate: http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/
Northern California Opportunities:
- Alameda County:
US Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA 13): https://lee.house.gov/helping-you/for-students/internships
US Congressman Eric Swalwell (CA 15): https://swalwell.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Ro Khanna (CA 17): http://www.rokhanna.com/apply
CA Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (A15): https://a15.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan (A16): https://a16.asmdc.org/internships-assemblymember-rebecca-bauer-kahan-0
CA Assemblymember Rob Bonta (A18): https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.php?district=AD18
CA Assemblymember Bill Quirk (A20): https://a20.asmdc.org/internship-opportunities-1
CA Assemblymember Alex Less (A25): http://asmdc.org/members/a25/
CA State Senator Susan Eggman (S5 ): https://sd05.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Nancy Skinner (S 9):https://sd09.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Bob Wieckowski (S 10): http://sd10.senate.ca.gov/
Alameda County Government: http://www.acgov.org/index.htm
City of Alameda: https://alamedaca.gov/
City of Albany: http://www.albanyca.org/
City of Berkeley: http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/Home.aspx
City of Dublin: http://www.ci.dublin.ca.us/
City of Emeryville: http://www.ci.emeryville.ca.us/
City of Fremont: https://www.fremont.gov/
City of Hayward: https://www.hayward-ca.gov/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
Rails to Trails Conservancy: https://www.railstotrails.org/
Oakland Housing Authority: http://www.oakha.org/Pages/default.aspx
EMC Research (Oakland): http://www.emcresearch.com/
Fairbank, Maslin, Maulin, Metz and Associates (Oakland): http://www.fm3research.com/
Goodwin Simon (Oakland): https://web.archive.org/web/20161028213159/http://goodwinsimon.com/contact-us
Lew Edwards Group (Oakland): http://www.lewedwardsgroup.com/
Remcho, Johansen, and Purcell (Oakland): http://www.rjp.com/
- Alpine County:
US Congressman Tom McClintock (CA 4): http://mcclintock.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Frank Bigelow (A 5): https://ad05.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Brian Dahle (S 1): https://dahle.cssrc.us/legislative-internship-program
Alpine County Government: http://www.alpinecountyca.gov/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Amador County:
US Congressman Tom McClintock (CA 4): http://mcclintock.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Frank Bigelow (A 5): https://ad05.asmrc.org/addresses
CA State Senator Andreas Borgeas (S 8): https://borgeas.cssrc.us/
Amador County Government: http://www.co.amador.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Butte County:
US Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA 1): http://lamalfa.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Megan Dahle (A 1): https://ad01.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember James Gallagher (A 3): https://ad03.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Jim Nielsen (S 4): https://nielsen.cssrc.us/content/become-intern
Butte County Government: http://www.buttecounty.net/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Calaveras County:
US Congressman Tom McClintock (CA 4): http://mcclintock.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Frank Bigelow (A 5): https://ad05.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Andreas Borgeas (S 8): https://borgeas.cssrc.us/
Calaveras County Government: http://calaverasgov.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Colusa County:
US Congressman John Garamendi (CA 3): https://garamendi.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember James Gallagher (A 3): https://ad03.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Cecilia M. Aguiar-Curry (A 4): https://a04.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator Jim Nielsen (S 4): https://nielsen.cssrc.us/content/become-intern
Colusa County Government: http://www.countyofcolusa.org/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Contra Costa County:
US Congressman Mike Thompson (CA 5): https://mikethompson.house.gov/services/internships/congressional-internship-application
US Congressman Jery McNerney (CA 9): http://mcnerney.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA 11): https://desaulnier.house.gov/services/resources/students-and-parents
US Congressman Eric Swalwell (CA 15): https://swalwell.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Jim Frazier (A 11): https://a11.asmdc.org/node/1959
CA Assemblymember Timothy S. Grayson (A 14): https://a14.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (A15): https://a15.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan (A16): https://a16.asmdc.org/internships-assemblymember-rebecca-bauer-kahan-0
CA State Senator Bill Dodd (S 3): http://www.billdodd.com/
CA State Senator Steven M. Glazer (S 7): https://sd07.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Nancy Skinner (S 9): https://sd09.senate.ca.gov/
Conta Costa County Government: http://www.co.contra-costa.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Del Norte County:
US Congressman Jared Huffman (CA 2): https://huffman.house.gov/helping-you/internships
CA Assemblymember Jim Wood (A 2): https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.php?district=AD02
CA State Senator Mike McGuire (S 2): http://sd02.senate.ca.gov/
Del Norte County Government: http://www.co.del-norte.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- El Dorado County:
US Congressman Tom McClintock (CA 4): http://mcclintock.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Frank Bigelow (A 5): https://ad05.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Kevin Kiley (A 6): https://ad06.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Brian Dahle (S 1): https://dahle.cssrc.us/legislative-internship-program
El Dorado County Government: http://www.edcgov.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
US Congressman Tom McClintock (CA 4): http://mcclintock.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Jim Costa (CA 16): https://costa.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman David Valadao (CA 21): https://valadao.house.gov/internships/
US Congressman Devin G. Nunes (CA 22): http://nunes.house.gov/constituentservices/internships.htm
CA Assemblymember Jim Patterson (A 23): https://ad23.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula (A 31): https://a31.asmdc.org/node/16393
CA State Senator Andreas Borgeas (S 8): https://borgeas.cssrc.us/
CA State Senator Anna M. Caballero (S 12): https://sd12.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Melissa Hurtado (S 14): https://sd14.senate.ca.gov/
Fresno County Government: http://www.co.fresno.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Glenn County:
US Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA 1): http://lamalfa.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman John Garaendi (CA 3): https://garamendi.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember James Gallagher (A 3): https://ad03.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Jim Nielsen (S 4): https://nielsen.cssrc.us/content/become-intern
Glenn County Government: http://www.countyofglenn.net/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Humboldt County:
US Congressman Jared Huffman (CA 2): https://huffman.house.gov/helping-you/internships
CA Assemblymember Jim Wood (A 2): https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.php?district=AD02
CA State Senator Mike McGuire (S 2): http://sd02.senate.ca.gov/
Humboldt County Government: http://www.humboldtgov.org/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Inyo County:
US Congressman Jay Obernolte (CA 8): https://obernolte.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Devon Mathis (A 26): https://ad26.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Andreas Borgeas (S 8): https://borgeas.cssrc.us/
Inyo County Government: http://www.inyocounty.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Kings County:
US Congressman David Valadao (CA 21): https://valadao.house.gov/internships/
CA Assemblymember Rudy Salas (A 32): https://a32.asmdc.org/internship-program-0
CA State Senator Melissa Hurtado (S 14): https://sd14.senate.ca.gov/
Kings County Government: http://www.countyofkings.com/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Lake County:
US Congressman John Garaendi (CA 3): https://garamendi.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Mike Thompson (CA 5): https://mikethompson.house.gov/services/internships/congressional-internship-application
CA Assemblymember Cecilia M. Aguiar-Curry (A 4): https://a04.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator Mike McGuire (S 2): http://sd02.senate.ca.gov/
Lake County Government: http://www.co.lake.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Lassen County:
US Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA 1): http://lamalfa.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Megan Dahle (A 1): https://ad01.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Brian Dahle (S 1): https://dahle.cssrc.us/legislative-internship-program
Lassen County Government: http://www.co.lassen.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Madera County:
US Congressman Tom McClintock (CA 4): http://mcclintock.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Jim Costa (CA 16): https://costa.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Frank Bigelow (A 5): https://ad05.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Andreas Borgeas (S 8): https://borgeas.cssrc.us/
CA State Senator Anna M. Caballero (S 12): https://sd12.senate.ca.gov/
Madera County Government: http://www.madera-county.com/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Marin County
US Congressman Jared Huffman (CA 2): https://huffman.house.gov/helping-you/internships
CA Assemblymember Marc Levine (A 10): https://a10.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator Mike McGuire (S 2): http://sd02.senate.ca.gov/
Marin County Government: http://www.marincounty.org/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
Nielsen, Merksamer, Parrinello, Mueller and Naylor (San Rafael): http://www.nmgovlaw.com/
- Mariposa County
US Congressman Tom McClintock (CA 4): http://mcclintock.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Frank Bigelow (A 5): https://ad05.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Andreas Borgeas (S 8): https://borgeas.cssrc.us/
Mariposa County Government: http://www.mariposacounty.org/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Mendocino County
US Congressman Jared Huffman (CA 2): https://huffman.house.gov/helping-you/internships
CA Assemblymember Jim Wood (A 2): https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.php?district=AD02
CA State Senator Mike McGuire (S 2): http://sd02.senate.ca.gov/
Mendocino County Government: http://www.co.mendocino.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Merced County
US Congressman Jim Costa (CA 16): https://costa.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Adam Gray (A 21): http://asmdc.org/members/a21/
CA State Senator Anna M. Caballero (S 12): https://sd12.senate.ca.gov/
Merced County Government: http://www.co.merced.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Modoc County
US Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA 1): http://lamalfa.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Megan Dahle (A 1): https://ad01.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Brian Dahle (S 1): https://dahle.cssrc.us/legislative-internship-program
Modoc County Government: http://www.co.modoc.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Mono County
US Congressman Jay Obernolte (CA 8): https://obernolte.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Frank Bigelow (A 5): https://ad05.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Andreas Borgeas (S 8): https://borgeas.cssrc.us/
Mono County Government: http://www.monocounty.ca.gov/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Monterey County
US Congressman Ro Khanna (CA 17): http://www.rokhanna.com/apply
CA Assemblymember Mark Stone (A 29): http://asmdc.org/members/a29/
CA Assemblymember Robert Rivas (A 30): https://a30.asmdc.org/student-internship-program
CA State Senator Anna M. Caballero (S 12): https://sd12.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator John Laird (S 17): http://sd17.senate.ca.gov/
Monterey County Government: http://www.co.monterey.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Napa County
US Congressman Mike Thompson (CA 5): https://mikethompson.house.gov/services/internships/congressional-internship-application
CA Assemblymember Ceclia M. Aguiar-Curry (A 4): https://a04.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator Bill Dodd (S 3): http://www.billdodd.com/
Napa County Government: http://www.countyofnapa.org/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Nevada County
US Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA 1): http://lamalfa.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Tom McClintock (CA 4): http://mcclintock.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Megan Dahle (A 1): https://ad01.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Brian Dahle (S 1): https://dahle.cssrc.us/legislative-internship-program
Nevada County Government: https://www.mynevadacounty.com/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Placer County
US Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA 1): http://lamalfa.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Tom McClintock (CA 4): http://mcclintock.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Megan Dahle (A 1): https://ad01.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Frank Bigelow (A 5): https://ad05.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Kevin Kiley (A 6): https://ad06.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Brian Dahle (S 1): https://dahle.cssrc.us/legislative-internship-program
CA State Senator Jim Nielsen (S 4): https://nielsen.cssrc.us/content/become-intern
Placer County Government: http://www.placer.ca.gov/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
National Petition Management (Roseville): https://web.archive.org/web/20161020082704/http://aboutnpm.com/htdocs/opportunities.htm
- Plumas County
US Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA 1): http://lamalfa.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Megan Dahle (A 1): https://ad01.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Brian Dahle (S 1): https://dahle.cssrc.us/legislative-internship-program
Plumas County Government: http://www.countyofplumas.com/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
US Congressman John Garaendi (CA 3): https://garamendi.house.gov/services/internships
US Congresswoman Doris Matsui (CA 6): https://matsui.house.gov/constituent-services/internship-opportunities.htm
US Congressman Ami Bera (CA 7): http://bera.house.gov/connect-with-me/internships
US Congressman Jery McNerney (CA 9): http://mcnerney.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Kevin Kiley (A 6): https://ad06.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (A 7): https://a07.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Ken Cooley (A 8): https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.php?district=AD08
CA Assemblymember Jim Cooper (A 9): https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.php?district=AD09
CA Assemblymember Jim Frazier (A 11): https://a11.asmdc.org/node/1959
CA State Senator Brian Dahle (S 1): https://dahle.cssrc.us/legislative-internship-program
CA State Senator Bill Dodd (S 3): http://www.billdodd.com/
CA State Senator Jim Nielsen (S 4): https://nielsen.cssrc.us/content/become-intern
CA State Senator Susan Eggman (S 5): https://sd05.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Richard Pan (S 6): https://sd06.senate.ca.gov/internship
CA State Senator Andreas Borgeas (S 8): https://borgeas.cssrc.us/
Sacramento County Government: http://www.saccounty.net/Pages/default.aspx
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
California Strategies: http://www.calstrat.com/
Mercury Public Affairs: http://www.mercuryllc.com/
New Sincerity (social media): http://newsincerity.us/
Wendy Warfield and Associates: http://wendywarfield.com/
Arno Political Consultants (Rancho Cordova): http://www.apcusa.com/
Moore Methods: http://www.moore-info.com/
Bicker, Castillo, and Fairbanks: http://bcfpublicaffairs.com/
Conservation Strategy Group: http://www.csgcalifornia.com/
Goddard Clausen Strategic Advocacy: https://strategicadvocacy.com/
Grassroots Lab: http://www.grassrootslab.com/
Kaufman Campaigns: http://kaufmancampaigns.com
Larsen Cazanis: http://larsencazanis.com/
Meridian Pacific: http://www.meridianhq.com/
Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk: http://www.bmhlaw.com/
Nielsen, Merksamer, Parrinello, Mueller and Naylor: http://www.nmgovlaw.com/
Olson Remcho: https://olsonremcho.com/
Comcast/Equality CA: https://www.eqca.org/comcast-fellowship/
Asian Pacific Islander Capitol Association Internship: https://apicasac.org/internship/
- San Benito County
US Congressman Ro Khanna (CA 17): http://www.rokhanna.com/apply
CA Assemblymember Robert Rivas (A 30): https://a30.asmdc.org/student-internship-program
CA State Senator Anna M. Caballero (S 12): https://sd12.senate.ca.gov/
San Benito County Government: http://www.cosb.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- City and County of San Francisco
US Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (CA 12): http://pelosi.house.gov/youth-kids/internships-in-san-francisco
US Congresswoman Jackie Speier (CA 14): https://speier.house.gov/internships
CA Assemblymember David Chiu (A 17): https://a17.asmdc.org/district-office-internship
CA Assemblymember Phil Ting (A 19): http://asmdc.org/members/a19/
CA State Senator Scott D. Wiener (S 11): https://sd11.senate.ca.gov/internship
San Francisco County Government: http://sfgov.org/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
Next Gen Climate: https://nextgenclimate.org/internships/
California Strategies: http://www.calstrat.com/
David Binder Research: http://db-research.com/
Tulchin Research: http://www.tulchinresearch.com/
- San Joaquin County
US Congressman Jared Huffman (CA 2): https://huffman.house.gov/helping-you/internships
US Congressman Jery McNerney (CA 9): http://mcnerney.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Josh Harder (CA 10): https://harder.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Jim Cooper (A 9): https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.php?district=AD09
CA Assemblymember Heath Flora (A 12): https://ad12.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Carlos Villapoudua (A 13): https://a13.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator Susan Eggman (S 5): http://sd05.senate.ca.gov/district
San Joaquin County Government: https://www.sjgov.org/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
San Mateo County
US Congresswoman Jackie Speier (CA 14): https://speier.house.gov/internships
US Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo (CA 18): https://eshoo.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Phil Ting (A 19): http://asmdc.org/members/a19/
CA Assemblymember Kevin Mullin (A 22): http://asmdc.org/members/a22/
CA Assemblymember Marc Berman (A 24): https://a24.asmdc.org/district-office-internships
CA State Senator Scott D. Wiener (S 11): https://sd11.senate.ca.gov/internship
CA State Senator Josh Becker (S 13): http://sd13.senate.ca.gov/
San Mateo County Government: http://www.smcgov.org/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Santa Clara County
US Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo (CA 18): https://eshoo.house.gov/services/internships
US Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (CA 19): https://lofgren.house.gov/constituent-services/internships.htm
CA Assemblymember Marc Berman (A 24): https://a24.asmdc.org/district-office-internships
CA Assemblymember Alex Lee (A 25): http://asmdc.org/members/a25/
CA Assemblymember Devon Evan Low (A 28): https://a28.asmdc.org/internship-program
CA Assemblymember Mark Stone (A 29): http://asmdc.org/members/a29/
CA Assemblymember Robert Rivas (A 30): https://a30.asmdc.org/student-internship-program
CA State Senator Bob Wieckowski (S 10): http://sd10.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Josh Becker (S 13): http://sd13.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Dave Cortese (S 15): https://sd15.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator John Laird (S 17): http://sd17.senate.ca.gov/
Santa Clara County Government: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/scc/Documents/home.html
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
California Strategies: http://www.calstrat.com/
- Santa Cruz County
US Congressman Ro Khanna (CA 17): http://www.rokhanna.com/apply
US Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo (CA 18): https://eshoo.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Mark Stone (A 29): http://asmdc.org/members/a29/
CA Assemblymember Robert Rivas (A 30): https://a30.asmdc.org/student-internship-program
CA State Senator John Laird (S 17): http://sd17.senate.ca.gov/
Santa Cruz County Government: http://www.co.santa-cruz.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
The Fund for Public Interest: http://fundforthepublicinterest.org/pre/can-about.html
- Shasta County
US Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA 1): http://lamalfa.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Megan Dahle (A 1): https://ad01.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Brian Dahle (S 1): https://dahle.cssrc.us/legislative-internship-program
Shasta County Government: http://www.co.shasta.ca.us/index.aspx
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Sierra County
US Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA 1): http://lamalfa.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Megan Dahle (A 1): https://ad01.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Bria Dahle (S 1): https://dahle.cssrc.us/legislative-internship-program
Sierra County Government: http://www.sierracounty.ca.gov/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Siskiyou County
US Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA 1): http://lamalfa.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Megan Dahle (A 1): https://ad01.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Brian Dahle (S 1): https://dahle.cssrc.us/legislative-internship-program
Siskiyou County Government: http://www.co.siskiyou.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Solano County
US Congressman John Garaendi (CA 3): https://garamendi.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Mike Thompson (CA 5): https://mikethompson.house.gov/services/internships/congressional-internship-application
CA Assemblymember Cecilia M. Aguiar-Curry (A 4): https://a04.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Jim Frazier (A 11): https://a11.asmdc.org/node/1959
CA Assemblymember Timothy S. Grayson (A 14): https://a14.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator Bill Dodd (S 3): http://www.billdodd.com/
Solano County Government: http://www.co.solano.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Sonoma County
US Congressman Mike Thompson (CA 5): https://mikethompson.house.gov/services/internships/congressional-internship-application
CA Assemblymember Jim Wood (A 2): https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.php?district=AD02
CA Assemblymember Cecilia M. Aguiar-Curry (A 4): https://a04.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Marc Levine (A 10): https://a10.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator Mike McGuire (S 2): http://sd02.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Bill Dodd (S 3): http://www.billdodd.com/
Sonoma County Government: https://sonomacounty.ca.gov/Home/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Stanislaus County
US Congressman Jared Huffman (CA 2): https://huffman.house.gov/helping-you/internships
US Congressman Jery McNerney (CA 9): http://mcnerney.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Josh Harder (CA 10): https://harder.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Heath Flora (A 12): https://ad12.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Adam Gray (A 21): http://asmdc.org/members/a21/
CA State Senator Susan Eggman (S 5): https://sd05.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Andreas Borgeas (S 8): https://borgeas.cssrc.us/
CA State Senator Anna M. Caballero (S 12): https://sd12.senate.ca.gov/
Stanislaus County Government: http://www.stancounty.com/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Sutter County
US Congressman John Garamendi (CA 3): https://garamendi.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember James Gallagher (A 3): https://ad03.asmrc.org/
Sutter County Government: https://www.co.sutter.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Tehama County
US Congressman Doug LaMalfa (CA 1): http://lamalfa.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember James Gallagher (A 3): https://ad03.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Jim Nielsen (S 4): https://nielsen.cssrc.us/content/become-intern
Tehama County Government: http://www.co.tehama.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Trinity County
US Congressman Jared Huffman (CA 2): https://huffman.house.gov/helping-you/internships
CA Assemblymember Jim Wood (A 2): https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.php?district=AD02
CA State Senator Mike McGuire (S 2): http://sd02.senate.ca.gov/
Trinity County Government: http://www.trinitycounty.org/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Tulare County
US Congressman David Valadao (CA 21): https://valadao.house.gov/internships/
US Congressman Devin G. Nunes (CA 22): http://nunes.house.gov/constituentservices/internships.htm
US Congressman Kevin McCarthy (CA 23): http://kevinmccarthy.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Jim Patterson (A 23): https://ad23.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Devon Mathis (A 26): https://ad26.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Andreas Borgeas (S 8): https://borgeas.cssrc.us/
CA State Senator Melissa Hurtado (S 14): https://sd14.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Shannon Grove (S 16): https://senate.ca.gov/sd16
Tulare County Government: http://www.tularecounty.ca.gov/county/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Tuolomne County
US Congressman Tom McClintock (CA 4): http://mcclintock.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Frank Bigelow (A 5): https://ad05.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Andreas Borgeas (S 8): https://borgeas.cssrc.us/
Tuolomne County Government: http://www.tuolumnecounty.ca.gov/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Yolo County
US Congressman John Garamendi (CA 3): https://garamendi.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Cecilia M. Aguiar-Curry (A 4): https://a04.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Kevin McCarty (A 7): https://a07.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator Bill Dodd (S 3): http://www.billdodd.com/
Yolo County Government: http://www.yolocounty.org/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Yuba County
US Congressman John Garamendi (CA 3): https://garamendi.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember James Gallagher (A 3): https://ad03.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Jim Nielsen (S 4): https://nielsen.cssrc.us/content/become-intern
CA State Senator Richard Pan (S 6): https://sd06.senate.ca.gov/internship
Yuba County Government: http://www.co.yuba.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
Southern California Opportunities:
- Imperial County
US Congressman Juan Vargas (CA 51): http://vargas.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (A 56): https://a56.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator Ben Huseo (S 40): http://sd40.senate.ca.gov/
Imperial County Government: http://www.co.imperial.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- Kern County
US Congressman David Valadao (CA 21): https://valadao.house.gov/internships/
US Congressman Kevin McCarthy (CA 23): http://kevinmccarthy.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Devon Mathis (A 26): https://ad26.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Rudy Salas (A 32): https://a32.asmdc.org/internship-program-0
CA Assemblymember Vincent Fong (A 34): https://ad34.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Tom Lackey (A 36): https://ad36.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Melissa Hurtado (S 14): https://sd14.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Shannon Grove (S 16): https://senate.ca.gov/sd16
Kern County Government: http://www.co.kern.ca.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
US Congressman Kevin McCarthy (CA 23): http://kevinmccarthy.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Mike Garcia (CA 25): https://mikegarcia.house.gov/
US Congresswoman Judy Chu (CA 27): https://chu.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Adam Schiff (CA 28): http://schiff.house.gov/help/internships
US Congressman Tony Cardenas (CA 29): https://cardenas.house.gov/constituent-services-resources/students/internships
US Congressman Brad Sherman (CA 30): http://sherman.house.gov/services/internships
US Congresswoman Grace F. Napolitano (CA 32): http://napolitano.house.gov/serving-you/internships
US Congressman Ted W. Lieu (CA 33): https://lieu.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Jimmy Gomez (CA 34): https://gomez.house.gov/constituent-services/internships.htm
US Congresswoman Norma J.Torres (CA 35): https://torres.house.gov/services/internships
US Congresswoman Karen Bass (CA 37): https://bass.house.gov/services/internships
US Congresswoman Linda Sanchez (CA 38): https://lindasanchez.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Young Kim (CA 39): https://youngkim.house.gov/services/internships
US Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA 40): http://roybal-allard.house.gov/constituentservices/internships.htm
US Congresswoman Maxine Waters (CA 43): https://waters.house.gov/services/internships
US Congresswoman Nanette Diaz Barragan (CA 44): https://barragan.house.gov/internships/
US Congressman Alan Lowenthal (CA 47): https://lowenthal.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Tom Lackey (A 36): https://ad36.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Suzette Valladares (A 38): https://a38.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Luz Rivas (A 39): https://a39.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Chris Holden (A 41): http://asmdc.org/members/a41/
CA Assemblymember Laurie Friedman (A 43): https://a43.asmdc.org/internship-form
CA Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (A 44): https://a44.asmdc.org/district-office-internship
CA Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (A 45): https://a45.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian (A 46): http://asmdc.org/members/a46/
CA Assemblymember Blanca Rubio (A 48): http://blancarubio.com/
CA Assemblymember Ed Chau (A 49): http://asmdc.org/members/a49/
CA Assemblymember Richard Bloom (A 50): https://a50.asmdc.org/district-office-internship-program
CA Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo (A 51): https://a51.asmdc.org/college-student-internship-program
CA Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez (A 52): https://a52.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (A 53): https://a53.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember VACANT (A 54): https://a54.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Phillip Chen (A 55): https://ad55.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Lisa Calderon (A 57): https://a57.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Christina Garcia (A 58): https://a58.asmdc.org/internship-program
CA Assemblymember Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer (A 59): https://a59.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Autumn Burke (A 62): https://a62.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Anthony Rendon (A 63): https://speaker.asmdc.org/district-office-internships
CA Assemblymember Mike A. Gipson (A 64): https://a64.asmdc.org/64th-district-internship-program
CA Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi (A 66): https://a66.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Patrick O'Donnell (A 70): https://a70.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator Robert M. Hertzerg (S 18): https://sd18.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Connie M. Leyva (S 20): https://sd20.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Scott Wilk (S 21): http://district21.cssrc.us/
CA State Senator Rosillcie Ochoa Bogh (S 23): https://ochoa-bogh.cssrc.us/
CA State Senator Maria Elena Durazo (S 24): https://sd24.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Anthony J. Portantino (S 25): https://sd25.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Benjamin Allen (S 26): https://sd26.senate.ca.gov/senator-ben-allen-district-office-internship
CA State Senator Henry I. Stern (S 27): https://sd27.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Josh Newman (S 29): https://sd29.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Sidney Kamlager (S 30): https://sd30.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Bob Archuleta (S 32): https://sd32.senate.ca.gov/district
CA State Senator Lena A. Gonzalez (S 33): https://sd33.senate.ca.gov/district
CA State Senator Tom Umberg (S 34): https://sd34.senate.ca.gov/district
CA State Senator Steven Bradford (S 35): https://sd35.senate.ca.gov/
Los Angeles County Government: http://www.lacounty.gov/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce: http://www.lachamber.com/about/employment-internships-with-the-chamber/
Kimball Petition Managment (Thousand Oaks): http://www.kpm.com/
Progressive Campaigns, Inc. (Calabasas): http://www.progcamp.com/
Fairbank, Maslin, Maulin, Metz and Associates (Oakland): http://www.fm3research.com/
Goodwin Simon (Culver City): https://goodwinsimon.com/who-we-are/public-opinion-research-intern
Public Opinion Strategies: http://pos.org/
Grassroots Lab (Long Beach): http://www.grassrootslab.com/
Winner and Mandaback Campaigns (Santa Monica): http://wmcampaigns.com/
Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk (Santa Monica): http://www.bmhlaw.com/
Olson Remcho (Long Beach): https://olsonremcho.com/
FionaHutton & Associates (Studio City) :https://www.fionahuttonassoc.com/careers/
US Congresswoman Linda Sanchez (CA 38): https://lindasanchez.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Young Kim (CA 39): https://youngkim.house.gov/services/internships
US Congresswoman Katie Porter (CA 45): https://porter.house.gov/services/internships.htm
US Congressman Lou Correa (CA 46): https://correa.house.gov/
US Congressman Alan Lowenthal (CA 47): https://lowenthal.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Michelle Steel (CA 48): https://steel.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Mkie Levin (CA 49): https://mikelevin.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Phillip Chen (A 55): https://ad55.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva (A 65): https://a65.asmdc.org/district-office-internships
CA Assemblymember Steven S. Choi (A 68): https://ad68.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Tom Daly (A 69): https://a69.asmdc.org/internship-application
CA Assemblymember Janet Nguyen (A 72): https://ad72.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Laurie Davies (A 73): https://ad73.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Cottie Petrie-Norris (A 74): https://a74.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator Josh Newman (S 29): https://sd29.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Bob Archuleta (S 32): https://sd32.senate.ca.gov/district
CA State Senator Tom Umberg (S 34): https://sd34.senate.ca.gov/district
CA State Senator Patricia C. Bates (S 36): http://bates.cssrc.us/
CA State Senator Dave Min (S 37): https://sd37.senate.ca.gov/
Orange County Government: http://ocgov.com/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
The Fund for Public Interest: http://fundforthepublicinterest.org/pre/can-about.html
- Riverside County
US Congressman Raul Ruiz (CA 36): https://ruiz.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Mark Takano (CA 41): https://takano.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Ken Calvert (CA 42): http://calvert.house.gov/students/internships.htm
CA Assemblymember Chad Mayes (A 42): https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.php?district=AD42
CA Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (A 56): https://a56.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes (A 60): https://a60.asmdc.org/california-state-assembly-internship-program
CA Assemblymember Jose Medina (A 61): https://a61.asmdc.org/internship-program
CA Assemblymember Kelly Seyarto (A 67): https://ad67.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Randy Vopel (A 71): https://ad71.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Marie Waldron (A 75): https://ad75.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (S 23): https://ochoa-bogh.cssrc.us/
CA State Senator Melissa Melendez (S 28): https://melendez.cssrc.us/
CA State Senator Richard D. Roth (S 31): https://sd31.senate.ca.gov/
Riverside County Government: http://www.countyofriverside.us/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
- San Bernardino County
US Congressman Jay Obernotte (CA 8): https://obernolte.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Pete Aguilar (CA 31): https://aguilar.house.gov/services/internships
US Congresswoman Norma J.Torres (CA 35): https://torres.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Young Kim (CA 39): https://youngkim.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Thurston "Smitty" Smith (A 33): https://ad33.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Tom Lackey (A 36): https://ad36.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember James Ramos (A 40): https://a40.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Chris Holden (A 41): https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.php?district=AD41
CA Assemblymember Chad Mayes (A 42): https://lcmspubcontact.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.php?district=AD42
CA Assemblymember Eloise Reyes (A 47): https://a47.asmdc.org/article/district-office-internship-program
CA Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez (A 52): https://a52.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Phillip Chen (A 55): https://ad55.asmrc.org/
CA State Senator Shannon Grove (S 16): https://senate.ca.gov/sd16
CA State Senator Connie M. Leyva (S 20): https://sd20.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Scott Wilk (S 21): http://district21.cssrc.us/
CA State Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (S 23): https://ochoa-bogh.cssrc.us/
CA State Senator Anthony J. Portantino (S 25): https://sd25.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Josh Newman (S 29):
San Bernardino County Government: http://www.sbcounty.gov/Main/Default.aspx
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
US Congressman Mike Levin (CA 49): https://mikelevin.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman - Darrell Issa (CA 50): https://issa.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Juan Vargas (CA 51): http://vargas.house.gov/services/internships
US Congressman Scott Peters (CA 52): http://scottpeters.house.gov/services/internships
US Congresswoman Susan Jacobs (CA 53): https://sarajacobs.house.gov/services/casework/internships.htm
CA Assemblymember Randy Vopel (A 71): https://ad71.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Marie Waldron (A 75): https://ad75.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath (A 76): https://a76.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Brian Maienschein (A 77): https://a77.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Christopher Ward (A 78): https://a78.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Dr. Akilah Weber (A 79): https://a79.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez (A 80): https://a80.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator Patricia C. Bates (S 36): http://bates.cssrc.us/
CA State Senator Brian Jones (S 38): https://jones.cssrc.us/
CA State Senator Toni G. Atkins (S 39): https://sd39.senate.ca.gov/internship-program-application
CA State Senator Ben Huseo (S 40): https://sd40.senate.ca.gov/
San Diego County Government: http://www.sandiegocounty.gov/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
Citizen's Climate Lobby: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/join-citizens-climate-lobby/
FocusCom: http://www.focuscominc.com/contact/
The Fund for Public Interest: http://fundforthepublicinterest.org/pre/can-about.html
US Congressman Salud Carbajal (CA 24): https://carbajal.house.gov/forms/internships/
CA Assemblymember Jordan Cunningham (A 35): http://jordancunningham.org/
CA Assemblymember Steve Bennett (A 37): https://a37.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator John Laird (S 17): https://sd17.senate.ca.gov/contact
San Luis Obispo County Government: http://www.slocounty.ca.gov/site4.aspx
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
Meredian Pacific (Templeton): http://www.meridianhq.com/
Santa Barbara County Association of Governments
Isla Vista Community Service District
SB County Board of Supervisors
Santa Barbara County District Attorney
Santa Barbara County Probation Department: https://www.countyofsb.org/probation/volunteering.sbc
Santa Barbara County Public Defender's Office: http://cosb.countyofsb.org/defender/FAQs.htm#anchor377902
Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department: https://www.sbsheriff.org/about-us/community-outreach/volunteer-program/
Santa Barbara Superior Court: http://agency.governmentjobs.com/sbcourts/default.cfm
US Congressman Salud Carbajal (CA 24): https://carbajal.house.gov/forms/internships/
CA Assemblymember Jordan Cunningham (A 35): https://ad35.asmrc.org/
CA Assemblymember Steve Bennett (A 37): https://a37.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator Monique Limon (S 19): http://sd19.senate.ca.gov/district
Santa Barbara County Government: http://www.countyofsb.org/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
Environmental Defense Center: http://www.environmentaldefensecenter.org/join-our-team/
Legal Aid Foundation: http://www.lafsbc.org/
The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute
Los Padres Forest Watch: http://lpfw.org/get-involved/volunteer/
Heal the Ocean: http://www.healtheocean.org/
Unite to Light: http://unitetolight.org/
Hillside House: https://hillsidesb.org/
The Public Square: http://www.publicsquaresb.org
Santa Barbara Zoological Society: https://www.sbzoo.org/about/volunteer/
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History: http://www.sbnature.org/
The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County: https://www.sblandtrust.org/
The Fund for Public Interest: http://fundforthepublicinterest.org/pre/can-about.html
New Sincerity (social media): http://newsincerity.us/
The Sara Miller McCune Internship and Public Service Program at the UCSB Capps Center www.cappscenter.ucsb.edu
- Ventura County
US Congressman Salud Carbajal (CA 24): https://carbajal.house.gov/forms/internships/
US Congressman - Mike Garcia (CA 25): https://mikegarcia.house.gov/
US Congresswoman Julia Brownley (CA 26): http://juliabrownley.house.gov/services/internships
CA Assemblymember Steve Bennett (A 37): https://a37.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Suzette Valladares (A 38): https://a38.asmdc.org/
CA Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (A 44): https://a44.asmdc.org/district-office-internship
CA Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (A 45): https://a45.asmdc.org/
CA State Senator Monique Limon (S 19): http://sd19.senate.ca.gov/
CA State Senator Henry I. Stern (S 27): http://sd27.senate.ca.gov/
Ventura County Government: http://www.ventura.org/
Non-governmental Organizations/Private Sector:
Opportunities Outside of California:
- District of Columbia:
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
The White House Office of Management and Budget
The Council on Foreign Relations
The Smithsonian Museum of American History
The Fund for Public Interest: http://fundforthepublicinterest.org/pre/can-about.html
Lombardo Consulting: http://lcg-dc.com/contact.html
Public Opinion Strategies: http://pos.org/
Goddard Clausen Strategic Advocacy: https://strategicadvocacy.com/
Mercury Public Affairs: http://www.mercuryllc.com/
- Washington State
The Fund for Public Interest: http://fundforthepublicinterest.org/pre/can-about.html
- Oregon
The Fund for Public Interest: http://fundforthepublicinterest.org/pre/can-about.html
- Massachussetts
Boston's Citywide Analytics Team
The Fund for Public Interest: http://fundforthepublicinterest.org/pre/can-about.html
- New York
Columbia Business School: https://academics.gsb.columbia.edu/predoctoral-research/summer-research-internship
- Texas
Baselice and Associates (Austin): http://www.baselice.com/
Other Opportunities:
UCEAP (Political Science Abroad)
UCSB Career Services Internship Listings
The Fund for Public Interest: http://fundforthepublicinterest.org/pre/can-about.html
City Internships: http://www.city-internships.com/apply/
Video Resources: