Heather Stoll

Associate Professor

Office Hours


Office Location

Ellison 3806


Comparative Politics, Political Parties and Elections, Political Institutions, Political Representation, Quantitative Methods 

Ph.D., Stanford University, 2005


Zoom Office Hours Link: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/8526379017?pwd=dndRMWpMbkVQNlM1N1U4U2pialB3Zz09

Professor Stoll’s research interests range from comparative politics to political methodology.  Her substantive interests focus on democratic representation; political parties and elections; and political institutions.  She has regional expertise in the advanced industrial democracies, particularly in Western Europe and Israel. 

Prior to joining the faculty at UCSB in 2005, Stoll spent a year as a research fellow at the Center for Basic Research in the Social Sciences at Harvard University.  She also has a M.S. in statistics from Stanford University and a M.Phil in politics from the University of Oxford.  Her Stanford Ph.D. dissertation was a co-recipient of the 2005 Seymour Martin Lipset Award for the best dissertation in the comparative field by the Society for Comparative Research. 

Stoll’s book, Changing Societies, Changing Party Systems (Cambridge University Press, 2013), studies how changes in society shape democratic party systems, as well as how political institutions condition that process.  Her articles have appeared in the Journal of Statistical Software; Comparative Political Studies; Electoral Studies; the Journal of Politics; Party Politics; and West European Politics.  She is currently at work on another book project on the size of democratic assemblies, several articles (such as on the relationship between social diversity and the party system at the level of the electoral district), and a new research project on bureaucracy in comparative perspective.


PS 15               Introduction to Research in Political Science (Undergraduate)

PS 116             Political Consequences of Electoral Laws (Undergraduate)

PS 149             Israeli Politics (Undergraduate)

PS 196             Senior Seminar:  Designing Democratic Governments (Undergraduate)

PS 197A-C      Departmental Honors Program (Undergraduate)

PS 205             Political Methodology I (Graduate)

PS 206             Political Methodology II (Graduate)

PS 235             Political Institutions (Graduate)

PS 251             Political Representation (Graduate)