Recently Published Graduate Students

Two current Political Science graduate students have recently been published in scholarly journals.

Julian Gottlieb’s article “Protest News Framing Cycle: How the New York Times Covered Occupy Wall Street” was published in the International Journal of Communication. Gottlieb provides a longitudinal analysis of news attention and framing of protest movements and studied the New York Times’ coverage of the Occupy Wall Street protests from September 2011 until July 2014 (long after they had subsided). The “results [of his study] demonstrate how news framing opportunities changed as the movement reached different stages of the news attention cycle. As the movement grew, journalists focused on the movement’s economic grievances…As the movement peaked, news attention shifted to the intensifying conflict between city officials and protesters.”

To read Julian’s article, please visit the International Journal of Communication’s website:

Andrew Johnson’s article “Foucault: Critical Theory of the Police in a Neoliberal Age” was published in the December 2014 issue of Theoria. In his article, Johnson examines Foucault’s writings on police, which are contradictory and explores the strengths and weaknesses in Foucault’s theory when applied to modern neoliberal police.

Andrew’s article can be viewed online: